Monday was a most spectacular day. I was able to spend some time with my sister, Jane, who shared with me one of her special places in Cape Cod. We grabbed a quick cup of java to-go at the Sparrow (the local coffee and hang-out spot) in Orleans and then went to Race Point in Provincetown  to feed the birds.

Once time a year at Race Point, the birds put on a spectacular show. That’s me (below) hand-feeding one of thousands.


After seeing the pictures, my friend Monaica asked me, “Mary, how do you get the birds to eat from your hands?  What’s your secret? That’s amazing!”

I told her, “There’s really nothing to it. You just have to stand there and be patient. You must wait for the birds to come to you.”

And isn’t that PRECISELY how we have to live our lives if we want to live with ease and grace? We must learn to drop the struggle of “figuring everything out.”

Our true job is simply to suit up and show up and patiently wait for God to bring the answers to us.

The Universe provides for the birds as well as all our needs in infinite ways…

expect the unexpected!

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